Sunday, November 01, 2009

Subscribe option

Some readers have asked how they will know when there is a new posting. I'm hoping this option will do the trick. Click on "Subscribe To - Posts" and you'll get a list of methods. I personally chose "Bloglines." It will ask more questions - and you have to sign up. I also signed up for "Comments." Google is probably a good option too. We'll see if this works.


  1. I love the photos. You must have a great camera to zoom into that red clay ornament on the roof of that building. Very artistic.

  2. Your photos have been great--a true sense of what it's like around the block and around the countryside near you...feel like we're chatting at coffee hr(now known as "Betwn Hr Cafe'"---would enjoy exploring those jumble shops w/you...hugs, Jeannette
